Figure 4.
miR395* is highly abundant in Rio. (a) Small RNA reads derived from MIR395l are depicted. The miR395l strand sequence is shown in red whereas the miR395l* strand sequence is in orange color. In green and blue color are small RNA reads sequenced from BTx623 and Rio libraries respectively. The designation next to the small RNA reads refer to the library (bc01: Mix; bc02: BTx623; bc03: Rio; bc04: LB/EF F2s and bc05: HB/LF F2s), followed by the number of times the small RNA read was sequenced. In the BTx623 library, only reads derived from miR395l were detected whereas in the Rio library, most of the reads where derived from miR395l* instead. (b) Model depicting the genotypic variation in miR395/miR395* ratio where in Rio a switch towards miR395* strand production has occurred relative to BTx623. Based on miR395* high abundance in Rio, we postulate here the hypothesis that miR395* species could have a functional role in the regulation biological processes other than the sulfur metabolism previously described for miR395.