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. 2011 Aug;28(8):1445–1477. doi: 10.1089/neu.2009.1152

Table 4.

Summary of Articles on Pain Assessment with Level of Evidence Included in Systematic Review

Reference Psychometric property Sample size (no.) Inclusion and exclusion criteria Study population Injury features Instrument LOE
Davidoff et al., 1987 Convergent construct validity 166 total
 DPS = 19
 MRSCICS = 147
Patients with DPS of at least 1 mo, who failed to respond to conventional treatments, and had: disturbance of sleep-wake cycle, inability to perform self-care activities, or inability to fully comply with a therapeutic exercise program. Pts with traumatic myelopathy were excluded. Mean age (DPS), 36.6 yr; mean age (MRSCICS), 32 yr Level of injury
 • Tetraplegia (DPS) = 15.8%
 • Tetraplegia (MRSCICS) = 54.4%
Severity of injury
 • Complete (DPS) = 26.3%
 • Complete (MRSCICS) = 48.6%
MPQ, Sternbach Pain Intensity, Zung Pain, and Distress Index 4
Cohen et al., 1988 Convergent construct validity 147 total
 SCI = 49
Patients with at least 6-mo history of chronic pain were included. Mean age (SCI), 47.2 yr; male (SCI), 95% NR MPQ 4
Song et al., 1993 Convergent construct validity 47 total
 SCI = 31
Included individuals with traumatic SCI at T1 or below, without central or peripheral nerve disease, and without recent history of ethanol abuse. In addition, a SCI subgroup included individuals with DPS after SCI. Control group included healthy volunteers. SCI & pain: mean age, 57 yr; range, 32 − 70 yr;
SCI, no pain: mean age, 57 yr; range, 33−73 yr;
Controls: mean age, 50 yr; range, 30−73 yr
SCI & pain:
 level of SCI = T1-L4
SCI, no pain:
 level of SCI = T1-L3
Curtis et al., 1995 Internal consistency 64 total
 SCI = 57
Patients with wheelchairs as their primary means of mobility for at least 1 yr were included. Mean age, 42.9 yr; males/females, 62/2 Level of injury
 • Cervical = 13
 • Thoracic = 38
 • Lumbar = 6
Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index 4
Quigley and Veit, 1996 Convergent construct validity 27 All SCI patients with complete data were included. Mean age, 47 yr; males/females, 26/1 Level of injury
 • Tetraplegia = 9
 • Paraplegia = 18
McGill-Melzack Pain Questionnaire 4
Kennedy et al., 1997 Convergent construct validity 76 Included all patients with traumatic SCI between 16 and 65 yr Male, 76% Level of injury
 • Tetraplegia = 32%
 • Paraplegia = 68%
6-point Likert scale 4
Widerstrom-Noga et al., 2001 Convergent construct validity 217 Included all SCI individuals with chronic pain who had complete data in the Miami Project Database and answered survey. Mean age, 39 yr; male, 75.4% Level of injury
 • Tetraplegia = 54%
 • Paraplegia = 46%
Mean time since SCI = 8.2 yr
Defrin et al., 2001 Convergent construct validity 39 total
 SCI = 21
Included individuals with incomplete traumatic SCI at L3-T4 and healthy volunteers. SCI & pain: mean age, 38.9 yr
SCI, no pain: mean age, 37.6 yr
Controls: mean age, 35.6 yr
Cardenas et al., 2002 Inter-rater reliability 163 Included SCI patients age 18 or older whose data were collected in the Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System. Mean age, 40.6 yr (males), 43.9 yr (females); male, 69.9% Cause of injury
 • MVA = 49.1%
 • Fall = 19.6%
Mean years since SCI = 8.3
Pain classification 4
Putzke et al., 2002 Convergent construct validity 29 Adults with traumatic SCI who experienced at least one pain site. Mean age, 45.2 yr; males/females, 24/5 Level of injury
 • Paraplegia = 22
 • Tetraplegia = 7
Severity of injury
 • Complete = 14
 • Incomplete = 15
Verbal descriptors 4
Richards et al., 2002 Inter-rater reliability 28 Adults with traumatic SCI who developed chronic pain in 1 or more sites at 1 yr after SCI were included. Pts with a fourth grade reading level or lower or history of TBI or chronic pain prior to SCI were excluded. Mean age, 45.5 yr; males/females, 23/5 Level of injury
Paraplegia = 21
 • Tetraplegia = 7
Severity of injury
 • Complete = 13
 • Incomplete = 15
Donovan Pain Classification Scheme 4
Turner et al., 2002 Convergent construct validity 174 Included SCI individuals with chronic pain who had data collected in the Northwest Regional SCI System and answered survey. Mean age, 41.5 yr; male, 70.7% Level of injury
 • Tetraplegia = 54%
 • Paraplegia = 46%
Time since SCI = 8.1 yr
Putzke et al., 2003a Test-retest reliability;
 Inter-rater reliability
28 Adults with traumatic SCI and chronic pain were included. Pts with fourth grade reading level or lower or history of TBI or chronic pain prior to SCI were excluded. Mean age, 45.5 yr; males/females, 23/5 Level of injury
 • Paraplegia = 21
 • Tetraplegia = 7
Severity of injury
 • Complete = 13
 • Incomplete = 15
Donovan Pain Classification Scheme 4
Putzke et al., 2003b Inter-rater reliability 29 Adults with traumatic SCI and chronic pain were included. Pts with fourth grade reading level or lower or history of TBI orchronic pain prior to SCI were excluded. Mean age, 45.2 yr; males/females, 24/5 Level of injury
 • Paraplegia = 22
 • Tetraplegia = 7
Severity of injury
 • Complete = 14
 • Incomplete = 15
International Assoc. for the Study of Pain and Tunks SCI pain classification 4
Samuelsson et al., 2004 Convergent construct validity 66 Only individuals with paraplegia for more than 1 yr were included. Mean age, 49 yr; males/females, 44/12 All paraplegics, mean time since SCI = 13.9 yr Constant Murley Scale 4
Roth et al., 2004 Convergent construct validity 69 total
 SCI = 12
Only hospital inpatients, outpatients, or nursing home residents with chronic stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure sores were included. Patients with mental incompetence were excluded. Mean age, 59 yr; male, 100% NR MPQ 4
Hanley et al., 2006a Convergent construct validity 481 Included adults (18 yr or older) with a chronic SCI (>6 mo since injury). Mean age, 42.6 yr; male, 72% NR VAS 4
Bryce et al., 2006 Inter-rater reliability 39 NR NR NR Bryce/Ragnarsson SCI Pain Taxonomy 4
Raichle et al., 2006 Convergent construct validity 127 SCI patients with pain were included. Mean age, 48.6 yr; males/female, 92/35 Level of injury
 • Cervical = 58
 • Thoracic = 56
 • Lumbosacral = 1
 • Other = 13
Salisbury et al., 2006 Convergent construct validity 27 Individuals with tetraplegia between 2 and 4 yr post-SCI under rehabilitation. Mean age, 42.5 yr; males/females, 20/7 All tetraplegics VAS, MPQ, and Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index 4
Widerstrom-Noga et al., 2006 Convergent construct validity 161 Adults with traumatic SCI and chronic pain were included. Mean age, 43.5 yr; males/females, 138/23 Level of Injury
 • Cervical = 76
 • Below cervical = 84
 • Unknown = 1
Severity of injury
 • Complete = 93
 • Incomplete = 50
 • Unknown = 18
Multidimensional Pain Inventory-SCI version 4
Budh and Osteraker, 2007              
Attal et al., 2008 Content validity 482 total
 SCI = 78
Included adults with pain due to primary lesion of the peripheral or central nervous system. Mean age, 57 yr; males/females, 258/224 NR Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory 4
Hanley et al., 2008 Convergent construct validity 40 Adults with traumatic SCI and chronic pain were included. Mean age, 49.3 yr; male, 70% Level of injury
 • Cervical = 48%
 • Thoracic = 42%
 • Lumbosacral= 10%
Severity of injury
 • Complete = 40%
 • Incomplete = 50%
 • Unknown = 10%
Cause of injury
 • MVA = 30%
 • Fall = 18%
 • Diving = 10%
 • Sports = 8%
 • Gunshot = 8%
 • Other = 36%

DPS, dysestheic pain syndrome; LOE, level of evidence; MPQ, McGill Pain Questionnaire; MRSCICS, Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System; MVA, motor vehicle accident; NR, not reported; pt(s), patient(s); SCI, spinal cord injury; TBI, traumatic brain injury; VAS, visual analog scale.