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. 2011 Jul 1;204(Suppl 1):S179–S189. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jir089

Table 2.

Adverse Event Reporting Following Immunization With Monovalent Measles Vaccine at 6 Months of Age and/or MMRII Vaccine at 12 Months of Age by Treatment Group

Treatment group (number reporting AEa ≥ grade 3/number with any AE)
Adverse event reporting following immunization with: 2DNEG 2DPOS 1DNEG 1DPOS
Monovalent measles vaccine at 6 months of age
    Number immunized n = 65 n = 7 n = 0 n = 0
    Subjects with follow-up 65 7 NAb NA
    Number of subjects reporting ≥1 adverse event 19 4 NA NA
    ≥Grade 3/any adverse event
        Local 0/13 0/2 NA NA
        Systemic 0/4 0/1 NA NA
        Feverc 0/4 0/0 NA NA
        Rash 0/1 0/1 NA NA
    Number of subjects with laboratory follow-up n = 64 n = 7 NA NA
     Thrombocytopeniad 0/0 0/0 NA NA
MMRII at 12 months of age
    Number immunized n = 61 n = 7 n = 27 n = 8
    Subjects with follow-up 61 7 27 8
    Number of subjects reporting ≥1 adverse events 17 2 9 4
    ≥Grade 3/any adverse event
        Local 0/8 0/2 0/5 0/0
        Systemic 0/5 0/0 0/5 0/4
        Fever 0/7 0/0 1/5 1/2
        Rash 0/1 0/0 0/0 0/0
    Number of subjects with laboratory follow-up n = 60 n = 7 n = 25 n = 8
        Thrombocytopenia 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

NOTE.aAE indicates adverse event.


NA indicates not applicable.


Grade 3 fever = temperature of ≥104°F lasting between 2–5 days.


Thrombocytopenia = decline in platelet count to <150,000/mm3.