Fig. 2.
a Incubation of l-NAME significantly reduced ACh-induced dilation in WT, dbTNF–/dbTNF– and db/db mice treated with FSLLRY–NH2, but not in db/db mice. l-NAME removed group differences in ACh-induced vasodilation in four groups, WT, db/db, dbTNF–/dbTNF– and db/db mice treated with FSLLRY–NH2 (n = 5~8). b Incubation of Indo did not change ACh-induced dilation in four groups, WT, db/db, dbTNF–/dbTNF– and db/db mice treated with FSLLRY–NH2 (n = 5~8). Data were expressed as mean ± SEM. §§ P < 0.05, effect of l-NAME. l-NAME incubated in the vessel for 20 min, Indo incubated in the vessel for 30 min