Figure 2.
Sonographic volume measurement and end-point tumor weight of the primary tumor in the non-resected model. (A) Sonographic volume measurement and end-point tumor weight of the primary tumor in the non-resected model. Significance of group differences at each day was determined by 2-tailed student t-test (*: p < 0.002, n = 18). Measurements were performed on the respective day indicated following tumor cell inoculation. (B) Cross-sectional group differences for volume measurements by sonography (changes between day 7 and 21) or by physical determination of tumor weight (post mortem) n = 20. Box shows 25 - 75 percentile, whiskers 10 - 90 percentiles, + indicates mean and line the median. Significance was determined by 2-tailed Student t-test (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.005).