Figure 7. p110γ and integrin α4β1 are required for tumor inflammation, growth and progression.
(A) Tumor weight, percent Gr1+CD11b+ cells (filled, Gr1lo; white, Gr1hi) in tumors, and CD31+ pixels/field in LLC, Panc02, and B16 tumors in WT and p110γ−/− mice (n=8–10), *p<0.01 vs WT. (B) Immunoblot analyses of p110α and p110γ in tumor-derived CD11b+ and LLC cells. (C) LLC tumor volume, percent Gr1+CD11b+ cells (filled, Gr1lo; white, Gr1hi) in tumors, and circulating WBCs/μl in WT mice with WT (black) or p110γ−/− bone marrow (BM, red), and in p110γ−/− mice with WT (blue) or p110γ−/− BM (green) bone marrow; *p<0.01 vs WT/WT. (D) Tumor volume and percent Gr1+CD11b+ cells in LLC tumors grown in WT (black line) and p110γKD (red line) animals and in WT animals with WT BM (blue) or p110γKD BM (green), (n=9–10 per group) *p<0.01 vs WT. (E) LLC or Panc02 tumor weight, percent Gr1+CD11b+ cells in tumor, and CD31+ pixels/field in WT or α4Y991A (YA) animals transplanted with WT or YA BM (n=8) *p<0.05 vs WT mice with WT BM. (F) Circulating WBCs/μl in WT mice with WT or α4Y991A BM. (G) Images, H&E-stained diaphragm and colon from BM transplanted, Panc02 implanted animals from E, scale bars, 40 μm. Graphs, incidence of colon and diaphragm metastases (n=8), *p<0.05 vs WT/WT. See also Figure S7 and Table S1.