Figure 3. Results of a probe trial designed to measure spatial memory and retrieval capabilities.
(A) Time in quadrants for LIP- and KA-treated rats compared with controls of the Wistar strain. The target quadrant is north-west (NW). Other quadrants are: north-east (NE), south-east (SE) and south-west (SW) (B) Time in quadrants for LIP- and KA-treated rats compared with controls of the Sprague-Dawley strain. (C) Analysis of the percent time spent in the target quadrant over the total time spent in the target and the opposite quadrant to test against the chance level of 50% for Wistar rats. Only LIP-treated animals performed at chance level. (D) Analysis of the time spent in the target quadrant against the chance level for Sprague-Dawley rats. Both LIP- and KA-treated rats (*) performed at chance level. The number of animals per group is: Control-W n = 23;Control-SD n = 9; KA-W n = 12; KA-SD n = 16; LIP-W n = 11; LIP-SD n = 12. * represents statistical differences versus control at p<0.05. *** represents statistical differences versus control at p<0.001.