Figure 3.
Anandamide alone has no CB1 receptor, or transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 channel-mediated effects on miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs). (A) Time course of miniature EPSC rate during superfusion of anandamide (AEA, 30 µM) in a mouse PAG. (B) Average traces of miniature EPSCs before and during anandamide. Cumulative distribution plots of miniature EPSC (C) inter-event interval and (D) amplitude, before (Pre) and during anandamide (AEA; 30 µM). (E) Bar chart of the mean rate and amplitude (Ampl) of miniature EPSCs during application of anandamide alone (Control, Ctl, n = 8) and in neurons pre-incubated in AM251 (3 µM, n = 8), or iodoresiniferatoxin (IRT, 300 nM, n = 8). Data in (E) are expressed as a percentage of the pre-anandamide level (averaged across all neurons tested). (A–D) are taken from the same neuron.