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. 2011 Aug 1;85(2):229–237. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2011.11-0029

Table 1.

Antigen, isotype detected, cutoff, median, and range of MFI and MFI-bg for each antigen tested, Haiti*

Antigen Isotype Cutoff Median (range) of fluorescence intensities at time point A
Bm14 IgG 134 18,854 (2–31,687)
Bm14 IgG4 48 1,255 (40–32,289)
Bm33 IgG 597 19,851 (13–30,600)
Bm33 IgG4 105 127 (43–24,106)
PTP3 IgG 204 47 (5–25,988)
MSP-119 IgG 42 10 (–9 to 23,874)

MFI = median fluorescence intensity; bg = background; PTP3 = third polar tube protein; MSP-119 = merozoite surface protein-119.

Possible MFI range is 1–32,766, and possible MFI-bg range can be a negative number to 32,766.

MFI data (IgG4) for 95 children. All other data are MFI-bg data (IgG) for 148 children.