Table 1.
List of variables used in logistic regression for the cross-sectional survey of continued BSF use and the longitudinal prospective cohort study of the BSF in Bonao, Dominican Republic, from June to August of 2007
Variable | Variable type | Description |
Access to sanitation | Binary | Access to latrine or toilet |
Age | Binary | Participants were grouped as < 5 or ≥ 5 years of age |
Categorical age | Ordinal | Participants were grouped as < 2, 2–4, and ≥ 5 years of age |
Community | Binary | Brisas del Yuna or Jayaco |
Drinking water source | Categorical | Responses were not mutually exclusive and included surface (river or canal), ground (well or spring), rain, piped (inside and outside), and bottled water |
Sex | Binary | Participant's sex |
Hand washing | Binary | Reported hand washing always with soap and water after defecating |
Health education | Binary | Primary respondent received health education about preventing or treating diarrhea from any source |
Household wealth | Dichotomous | Categorized (lower 40% or upper 60%) wealth score |
Level of education | Binary | Primary respondent and spouse received primary education |
Number of assets | Ordinal | Summary of the number of six household assets |
Number of participants | Ordinal | Total number of household members |
Payment for water | Binary | Any amount of payment for water by household |
Perception of diarrhea | Binary | Primary respondent reported belief that diarrhea is an illness from which children can die |
Safe storage practices | Binary | Use of covered or narrow-mouth water-storage container |
Soap in the household | Binary | Presence of soap in the household |
Time since installation | Binary | Installation group based on filter installation date |
Time to water source | Categorical | Time to drinking water source: < 5, 5–9, 10–19, 20–39, or ≥ 40 minutes |
Week | Categorical | Eight categories for the 8 study weeks: 1–8 |