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. 2011 Aug 1;85(2):309–317. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2011.09-0122

Table 1.

List of variables used in logistic regression for the cross-sectional survey of continued BSF use and the longitudinal prospective cohort study of the BSF in Bonao, Dominican Republic, from June to August of 2007

Variable Variable type Description
Access to sanitation Binary Access to latrine or toilet
Age Binary Participants were grouped as < 5 or ≥ 5 years of age
Categorical age Ordinal Participants were grouped as < 2, 2–4, and ≥ 5 years of age
Community Binary Brisas del Yuna or Jayaco
Drinking water source Categorical Responses were not mutually exclusive and included surface (river or canal), ground (well or spring), rain, piped (inside and outside), and bottled water
Sex Binary Participant's sex
Hand washing Binary Reported hand washing always with soap and water after defecating
Health education Binary Primary respondent received health education about preventing or treating diarrhea from any source
Household wealth Dichotomous Categorized (lower 40% or upper 60%) wealth score
Level of education Binary Primary respondent and spouse received primary education
Number of assets Ordinal Summary of the number of six household assets
Number of participants Ordinal Total number of household members
Payment for water Binary Any amount of payment for water by household
Perception of diarrhea Binary Primary respondent reported belief that diarrhea is an illness from which children can die
Safe storage practices Binary Use of covered or narrow-mouth water-storage container
Soap in the household Binary Presence of soap in the household
Time since installation Binary Installation group based on filter installation date
Time to water source Categorical Time to drinking water source: < 5, 5–9, 10–19, 20–39, or ≥ 40 minutes
Week Categorical Eight categories for the 8 study weeks: 1–8