Table 1. The frequency of number words in English and Spanish.
CORPUS DEL ESPAÑOL | Tokens Per Million Words | COCA | Tokens Per Million Words |
Uno | 1079* | One | 856 |
Dos | 928.17 | two | 707 |
Tres | 468.93 | Three | 368 |
Cuatro | 248.99 | Four | 224 |
Cinco | 234.11 | five | 204 |
Seis | 155.44 | Six | 156 |
Siete | 85.75 | Seven | 87 |
The table shows the spoken frequency counts of numbers 1–7 as they occur prenominally (e.g., “six hats”). The counts are taken from the 385 million word Corpus of Contemporary English (COCA) [53] and the 100 million word Corpus Del Español (CORDES) [54], respectively. (Note: The English-Spanish comparison is slightly complicated because “uno” is gendered in Spanish: it takes the form “una” with some nouns, and “una” is not used exclusively as a number word. The figure for “uno” presented here is a weighted estimate: number-word+noun sequences : tokens of each number word in the corpus.).