Figure 4. Bridging macroscale and microscale MRI.
(a) In vivo macrovascular CBV (ΔR2*) map. (b) Co-registered ex vivo fractional blood volume (FV) map obtained from μMRI. The tumor ROI is highlighted by hatched lines in each panel and FV ranges from 0 to 1. (c) Histograms showing the relative distribution of the ΔR2* between tumor and contralateral ROIs. (d) Histograms showing the relative distribution of the FV between tumor and contralateral ROIs. Tumor blood volume is elevated relative to the contralateral brain across these “multi-scale” data. (e) 2D histograms of the macrovascular CBV measured in vivo versus the fractional blood volume assessed ex vivo. These data further demonstrate the utility of multi-scale imaging of brain tumor vascularization.