Figure 1.
The structure of latrophilin proteins and genes. A. The distribution of protein domains in latrophilin 1 (top diagram) is shown in comparison with the distribution of exons in the mRNAs of latrophilins 1-3. Only the translated exons are shown (the numbering starts at the first protein-coding exon). Arrowhead, the site of proteolytic cleavage. The scales show the size of the mature protein (top) and the mRNA (bottom). Exon 2a (alternative) in lphn3 is alternatively spliced. Note that many exons (or groups of exons) encode specific protein domains. B. Exon-intron structures and relative sizes of the three mouse latrophilin genes. Exons are depicted as vertical bars; introns, as horizontal lines. The size of each gene (including the translated exons and introns) is shown below each gene’s name. The gene structures shown are from the 129/SvJ mouse (some intron sizes differ between the 129/SvJ and CL57BL/6 mouse strains).