Figure 6.
Developmental differences in improvement with repeated testing are not due to the number of trials performed per day or alternate strategies. A. Average number of trials per day (x-axis) is plotted against performance improvement with repeated testing (y-axis; naïve minus final two detection thresholds). A vertical black line separates Juveniles (open green circles) based on the number of trials performed: Juveniles that performed a similar number of trials as Adults and Juveniles that performed a fewer number of trials than Adults. A comparison between the Adults and both Juvenile subgroups indicate no significant difference in improvement based on number of daily trials performed.
B. Average false alarm rate (x-axis) is plotted against improvement in performance with repeated testing (y-axis; naïve minus final two detection thresholds). There are no patterns of improvement based on false alarm rate in either Juveniles (green circles) or Adults (black triangles).