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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Jul 28.
Published in final edited form as: AIDS. 2011 Jan 2;25(1):95–106. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e328340fe0f

Table 2.

Major USAID HIV/AIDS Multisector Response Activities, 2004–2010* (source reference 22)

Program Years USD (million) Location Services
Reaching HIV/AIDS Affected People with Integrated Development and Support (RAPIDS) 2004–2006 57.5 53 districts throughout Zambia Home- and community-based care for people living with AIDS, care and support for OVCs, youth livelihood and promotion of abstinence among youth, and household resilience and improved food security for those affected by HIV/AIDS
Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) 2004–2010 21.0 61 districts throughout Zambia Expands access to HIV prevention, treatment and services through workplace programs; strengthen the capacity of coordinating bodies and faith-based, community-based and other local organizations, to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate HIV/AIDS activities; and strengthen the policy and regulatory environment to protect PLWHA and those affected by HIV/AIDS
BizAIDS 2005–2008 1.6 Small businesses throughout Zambia Trains participating businesses in HIV/AIDS prevention, mitigation, and care and support; provides information to business owners and their employees on how they can protect themselves from contracting HIV, plan their business in light of HIV/AIDS, and on how they can access legal services to deal with the challenges brought by HIV/AIDS in the business operations; promotes HIV CT among owners and employees of micro and small businesses; and trains local trainers through the District Business Associations
Scaling Up Community Care to Enhance Social Safety Nets (SUCCESS) "RETURN TO LIFE" 2006–2008 9.8 30 districts throughout Zambia Palliative care focus. Strengthens services offered and logistical support to faith-based hospices and is fostering linkages with other USG funded programs for support to OVCs and for ART
AFRICA KIDSAFE (AKS) 2004–2007 1.7 Urban regions throughout Zambia, began in Lusaka, Livingstone, and Copperbelt Provinces Consolidates and expands a safety net of NGOs and CBOs that work with communities and families to effectively meet the immediate and long-term needs of street and at-risk children throughout Zambia
The Zambian Corridors of Hope HIV/AIDS Prevention Initiative (COH II) 2006–2009 11.0 Livingstone, Kazungula, Chipata, Katete, Kapiri Mposhi, Chirundu, and Ndola Comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention project concentrated on seven of the highest HIV prevalence border and transport corridor areas in Zambia, delivered by 3 Zambian NGOs. Collaboration with the District Health Management Teams, District AIDS Task Forces, and other service delivery teams. Targets residents of border and corridor communities and high-risk populations and includes counseling and testing (CT) services, STI screening and treatment, condom social marketing, interpersonal counseling for behavior change, outreach work, and youth prevention activities for in- and out-of-school youth

In addition to the programs listed in this table, USAID Zambia coordinates numerous centrally-funded providing care and support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC): World Concern, Opportunity International, CRS CHAMP, Christian Aid, FHI FABRICS, Hope Worldwide, Hope for African Children Initiative, and PCI BELONG. In addition, five New Partnership Initiatives have begun implementation: Kara Counseling, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Luapula Foundation, Catholic Missions Medical Board, and Mothers2Mothers (USAID Zambia Mission, 2010).