Table 4.
Properties of FRAT that were not design explicit design targets.
A. | Weak cue conditioning is training-context-specific1. |
B. | Context-specificity of cue conditioning is unmasked following extinction in a novel context2. |
C. | Extinction is enhanced when responses are strong and diminished when responses are weak3. |
D. | Effectiveness of renewal is in the order (greatest to least) ABA, ABC, AAB4. |
E. | Rate of extinction of new cued fear is substantially reduced by post-conditioning suppression of hippocampus but not by ablation5. |
F. | Newly acquired CS fear extinguished with hippocampus-suppressed does not show ABC or AAB renewal6. |
G. | Suppression or ablation of hippocampus soon after extinction of newly acquired CS fear causes partial loss of extinction and a loss of extinction's context-specificity7. |
H. | Well-conditioned CSs suppress post-shock freezing, and this suppression is opiate-dependent8. |
I. | Fear acquired normally cannot be extinguished if BL is suppressed during extinction training9. |
J. | Extended post-training suppression of BLA prevents systems-type consolidation10. |
K. | Pre- or post-training PFC lesions prevent systems-type consolidation. |
L. | Extinction of both cue and context fear show systems-type consolidation. After such consolidation, context shifts cause renewal, independent of hippocampus. |
M. | If hippocampus is suppressed (not ablated) after completion of systems-type consolidation, CS extinction is normal in the conditioning context but slow and context-independent in novel contexts. |
N. | After ablation of LA, cue conditioning remains possible, but it is conditioning context-specific. |
O. | When cues predict shock onset, LA ablation increases context conditioning, but not as much as does removal of predictive cues. |
P. | Inhibition of GABA in PAG promotes development of extinction. |
Q. | BL lesions do not prevent context fear if hippocampus has been ablated. |
R. | Joint pre-exposure to CS and conditioning context will enhance strength of one-trial CS conditioning. |
S. | Inactivation of CEm during unreinforced responding prevents extinction. |
References and Notes: 1Hall and Honey (1990). 2Harris et al. (2000). 3Rescorla (2002, 2003). 4Bouton (2002), Thomas et al. (2003). 5Corcoran et al. (2005). 6Corcoran et al. (2005), See text 7Corcoran and Maren (2001). 8Fanselow and Bolles (1979a). 9Herry et al. (2008). 10Several hours of tetrodotoxin-induced silencing of BLA at any time during the first 2 days after contextual fear conditioning, but not thereafter, reduces long-term retention of contextual freezing (Sacchetti et al., 1999). While consistent with prediction J, this appears to us to be more akin to an effect on cellular- than on systems-type consolidation, because CS conditioning is affected in the same way.