Simulated flickering open state. (A) Markov model of a burst open state. The open state of the WLMSR model was split into two states with rate constants consistent with this process being independent of activation/inactivation gating transitions. The values δ and γ correspond to open and intermediate closed dwell times at +100 mV (58). Simulated single channel events (300 ms) for (B) activation to +100 mV. (C) Deactivation from I at −100 mV. For activation to 100 mV, 58/100 were blank traces, 12/100 were early openings in the first 30 ms, and 30/100 were late openings. This compares well with the 55%, 24%, and 21% for blank, early, and late openings observed by Kiehn et al. (58). During deactivation, the Of state was frequently visited illustrating how the observation of inactivation without prior opening by Kiehn et al. (58) can be reconciled with the model of Wang et al. (43).