Mean relationship between [Neomycin] and KATP channel current (I), expressed relative to the current in the absence of neomycin (Ic) for Kir6.2/SUR1 (open circles, n = 8; IC50 = 216 μm, h = 0.79, a = 0.18), homW68E (filled squares, n = 4; IC50 = 9 μm, h = 0.91), homW68F (filled diamonds, n = 5; IC50 = 257 μm, h = 0.7, a = 0.14), homW68R (filled triangles, n = 4; IC50 = 13 μm, h = 0.8) and homW68Y (filled inverted triangles, n = 4; drawn by eye) channels.