Table 9.
Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in child and adolescent population studies
Investigator | Year | Center | Age (yrs) | Location | Sampling | Tools | Population | Prevalence/1000 |
Sethi et al.[9] | 1967 | Lucknow | 0-10 | U | H-H | IQ, ICD-7 | 541 | 94 |
Dube et al.[10] | 1971 | Agra | 5-14 | M | H-H | DCP | 8035 | 11.67 |
Elnagar et al.[11] | 1971 | Hoogly | 0-15 | R | H-H | CHM and DCP(2) | 635 | 13 |
Sethi et al.[12] | 1972 | Lucknow | 0-10 | R | H-H | IQ, ICD-7 | 877 | 81 |
Varghese et al.[42] | 1974 | Vellore | 4-12 | U | SRS | MHIS and DCP as ICD (1965) | 747 | 81.7 |
Nandi[16] | 1975 | Kolkata | 0-11 | R | H-H | IQ, DCP as per ICD (1965) | 462 | 26 |
Hackett et al.[43] | 1999 | Kerala | 8-12 | U | RCS | CBQ, ICD-10 | 1403 | 94 |
Srinath et al.[44] | 2005 | Bangalore | 0-16 | U | SMS | SDP, SCL, CBCL, CBQ, FTN, DISC, PIS, VSMS, BKT, CGAS | 2000 | 124 |
Anita et al.[45] | 2007 | Rohtak | 6-14 | M | SRS | CPMS and DISC | 800 | 165 |
U - urban; R - rural; M - Mixed; H-H - house to house survey; RCS - Random cluster sampling; SRS - stratified random sampling; SMS - stratified multistage sampling; ICD - international classification of diseases; Tools - IQ - Interview questionnaire; CHM - Case history method; DCP - Diagnosis confirmed by a psychiatrist(s); MHIS - Mental health item sheet; CBQ - Child behavior questionnaire; SCL - Screening checklist; SDP - Socio demographic proforma; CBCL - Child Behavior; Checklist PIS - Parent interview schedule; BKT - Bitnet karat test; VSMS - Vineland social maturity scale; FTN - Felt treatment needs CGAS - Children�s global assessment scale; DISC - Diagnostic interview schedule for children; CPMS - Childhood Psychopathology Measurement Schedule