Figure 3.
Third trimester uterine artery (UA) artery blood flows in 157 Andean residents of 3600–4100 m measured either before or after week 34 are strongly associated with their infant’s birth weight (R2 = 0.80, y = 1085 × + 985 where x is UA blood flow in liters/min and y is birth weight in grams, P<0.007). Normal women were without any pregnancy complications and delivered at term (n=119) or preterm (n=6). Twenty (20) were diagnosed with preeclampsia, and 12 had gestational hypertension (Gest HTN). The solid line represents the regression line with dotted 95% confidence intervals. *= p<0.05 compared with normal women who delivered at term; §= p<0.05 compared with Gest HTN; and †= p<0.05 compared with ≤34 wk. Figure adapted from (Browne et al., 2011) where study details may be found.