Figure 5.
Effects of Light and PN on the rus Phenotype.
(A) Roots of dark-grown seedlings with various B vitamin supplements. For each vitamin treatment, four seedling roots (from left to right, WT, rus1-2, rus2-1, and rus1-2 rus2-1) are shown. The root tip position (a triangle for WT and a diamond for the rest) are marked. m-Ino, myo-Inositol (100 μg ml−1); NA, Nicotinic Acid (1 μg ml−1); PN, Pyridoxine (1 μg ml−1); Th, Thiamine (10 μg ml−1).
(B) Graph of the root lengths of 9-day-old wild-type (WT), rus1-2 (r1-2), rus2-1 (r2-1), and rus1-2 rus2-1 (r1-2 r2-1) plants grown with increasing concentrations of pyridoxine (PN).
(C) 10-day-old wild-type (WT), rus1-2 asp2-12 (r1-2 a2-12), and rus1-2 (r1-2) seedlings grown under various light and PN treatments. The rus1-2 phenotype is highly suppressed when supplemented with 10 μg ml−1 PN under the one stop light filter (55% normal light intensity). μE, μmol photons m−2 s−1.