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. 2011 Jan 13;5(4):268–272. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.09137
Questions 1–3 pertain to symptoms prior to artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation, 4–32 pertain to symptoms after AUS implantation
  • 1. Did you wear protective pads for urine leakage, if so, how many in 24 hours?

  • 2. Did you ever use a penile clamp for protection?

  • 3. Did you ever use a condom catheter for protection?

  • 4. How often do you urinate during the day?

  • 5. How many times per night do you wake up to urinate?

  • 6. Do you ever leak urine? If so, how much?

  • 7. Do you wear protective pads for urine leakage, if so, how many in 24 hours?

  • 8. Do you ever use a penile clamp for protection?

  • 9. Do you ever use a condom catheter for protection?

  • 10. How often do you leak urine? (never, about once a week or less often, 2-3 times a week, about once a day, several times a day, all the time)

  • 11. How much urine do you usually leak (whether you wear protection or not)? (none, a small amount, a moderate amount, a large amount)

  • 12. Overall, how much does urine leakage interfere with your everyday life? (0=not at all, to 10=a great deal)

  • 13. When does urine leak? Please circle all answers that apply to you. (never – urine does not leak, leaks before you can get to the toilet, leaks when you cough or sneeze, leaks when you are asleep, leaks when you are physically active/exercising, leaks when you have finished urinating and are dressed, leaks for no obvious reason, leaks all the time)

(Responses for questions 14–26: not at all, slightly, moderately, greatly)Has urine leakage affected your ...
  • 14. Ability to do household chores (cooking, housecleaning, laundry)?

  • 15. Physical recreation such as walking, swimming, or other exercise?

  • 16. Entertainment activities (movies, concerts, etc)?

  • 17. Ability to travel by car or bus more than 30 minutes from home?

  • 18. Participation in social activities outside your home?

  • 19. Emotional health (nervousness, depression, etc)?

  • 20. Feeling frustrated?

    Do you experience, and if so, how much are you bothered by ...

  • 21. Frequent urination?

  • 22. Urine leakage related to the feeling of urgency?

  • 23. Urine leakage related to physical activity, coughing, or sneezing?

  • 24. Small amounts of urine leakage (drops)?

  • 25. Difficulty emptying your bladder?

  • 26. Pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen or genital area?

  • 27. Knowing what you know now, would you have an artificial urinary sphincter placement again? (yes, undecided, no)

  • 28. Would you recommend the artificial urinary sphincter to a friend? (yes, yes with reservation, undecided, no)

  • 29. Circle the one answer that best describes how your urinary tract condition is now, compared with how it was before you had the operation. (very much better, much better, a little better, no change, a little worse, much worse, very much worse)

  • 30. Overall, how bothersome has any trouble with urination been during the last month? (not bothersome at all, bothers me a little, bothers me some, bothers me a lot)

  • 31. If you were to spend the rest of your life with your urinary condition just the way it is now, how would you feel about it?

  • 32. Feel free to take this opportunity to make any comments you may have.