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. 2011 Jul 28;5:46. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2011.00046

Table 1.

Retrograde studies of auditory branched projections.

System Study and species Method Results
Thalamocortical Middlebrooks and Zook (1983), Cat EI band in AI: NY
EE band in AI: PI (same CF)
MGv: none mentioned (n = 3)
Middle EE band in AI: NY
Ventral EE band in AI: PI (same CF)
MGv: no %, but reported (n = 1)
Morel and Imig (1987), Cat AI: HRP
MGv: 6.5 (n = 5, 6 sections)
RP: 6.0 (n = 6, 5 sections)
MGv: 6.4 (n = 1, 2 sections)
Brandner and Redies (1990), Cat Dorsal AI: NY
Ventral and/or central AI: Bb
NY and Bb along AI isofrequency contour
MGv: no %, mentioned in one case (n = 4)
MGv: none mentioned (n = 2)
Kurokawa and Saito (1995), Rat Te3: FG
Fr1: FB
Te1: NY
Fr1: FB
MGd: 0 (n = 6)
MGd: 0 (n = 6)
Namura et al. (1997), Rat Dorsal perirhinal: DY
Lateral amygdaloid nucleus: FB
PIN: 3.3
MGd1: 5
SPFp: 11.3
SPFm: 6.0
MGm: 1.2 (n = 1)
Ventral perirhinal: DY
Lateral amygdaloid nucleus: FB
PIN: 1.7
MGd: 2.1
SPFp: 3.7
SPFm: 0
MGm: 0 (n = 1)
Te1: DY
Lateral amygdaloid nucleus: FB
0 (n = 7)
Perirhinal: DY
Central amygdaloid nucleus: FB
0 (n = 3)
Kishan et al. (2008), Cat AI: CTβ
Injected in frequency – matched loci
Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 3.3 mm apart
Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 3.3 mm apart
Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 1.7 mm apart
Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 3.3 mm apart
MGd: 1.5
MGm: 2.1
MGv: 1.4
RP: 2.8 (n = 4)
MGd: 1.2 MGm: 2.8
MGv: 0.6 RP: 0 (n = 1)
MGd: 2.2
MGm: 3.9
MGv: 2.1
RP: 4.5 (n = 1)
MGd: 6.7
MGm: 4.9
MGv: 5.8
RP: 0.00 (n = 1)
MGd: 3.9
MGm: 5.1
MGv: 1.4
RP: 0.00 (n = 1)
Corticocortical Rüttgers et al. (1990), Rat DY and FB in regions of terminations of homotopic and heterotopic commissural projections AI: no %, but reported
Kishan et al. (2008), Cat AI: CTβ
Injected in frequency – matched loci
Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 3.3 mm apart from each other
Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 3.3 mm apart from each other
Te Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 1.7 mm apart from each other
In Injected CTβ, CTβG at sites 3.3 mm apart from each other
AI (i): 0.8
AAF (i): 0.6
AI (c): 0.8
AAF (c): 0.6 (n = 4)
AI (i): 0.1 AI (c): 1.4 (n = 1)
AII (i): 1.5 AII (c): 3.7 (n = 1)
Te (i): 1.3 Te (c): 1.8 (n = 1)
In (i): 0.6 In (c): 1.1 (n = 1)
Corticofugal Wong and Kelly (1981), Cat MG: HRP or NY
Contra AI: NY or HRP
AI, layer V: 0 (n = 12)
AI, layer V: 0 (n = 4)
Crabtree (1998), Cat MGv, ventrolateral: FB or NY
MGd: FB or NY
MGv, pars ovoidea: FB or NY
MGm: FB or NY
TRN: no %, always saw DLs (n = 3) TRN: no %, always saw DLs (n = 3)
Moriizumi and Hattori, 1991a, Rat IC: TB
Caudal striatum: DY
AI, layer V: 6.4% of IC projecting cells (n = 4, pooled)
Doucet et al. (2002), Rat CoN: FB
AI: <10% (n = 2, pooled)
Doucet et al. (2003), Rat CoN: FB
AI: 10–20 (n = 4)
AI: 10–20 (n = 3)
Coomes et al. (2005), Guinea pig Various combinations of FB, FG, red/green beads into both IC Layer V of AC: 5.2 (n = 5)
Brain stem Adams (1983b), Cat DCoN (c): EB or NY
IC: HRP or EB (frequency matched with anatomical position)
VCoN (i): no %, but reported (n = 2)
Schofield (1994), Guinea pig Various combinations of FB, FG, green beads into CoN and IC CoN (i), IC (c) or CoN (c), IC (i) (same tracers) MTB: <1% (n = 3)
MTB: <1% (n = 13)
Li and Mizuno (1997a), Rat CoN: FG
Dorsal column (i): 50.7% of CoN-projecting
STN: 30% of CoN-projecting (n = 1, from figure)
Doucet and Ryugo (2006), Rat DCoN: BDA
CoN (c): DY (large)
VCoN: 3.6% of planar multipolar
No % for RC-multipolar, but reported (n = 3)
IC afferents Glendenning and Masterton (1983), Cat Various combinations of DB, NY, Bb, PI, and DPD into both IC LSO: 2% (n = 18)
Tanaka et al. (1985), Rat DAPI and PI into both IC
LL: no %, but reported (n = 3)
LL: 0 (n = 3)
Willard and Martin (1984), Opossum TB and NY into both IC AC: 6
CoN: <3%
Dorsal columns: 6.67–12
DLL: <5
LSO core: 20–25% MSO: 100% (n = 8)
Moriizumi and Hattori (1991), Rat AC (widely): TB
Caudal globus pallidus: 0 (n = 2)
Schofield (1991), Guinea pig Various combinations of FB, FG, green beads into CoN and IC SPN:
1.7% of IC-projecting
3.3% of CoN-projecting (n = 3)
Schofield and Cant (1992), Guinea pig CoN (i), IC (c) or CoN (c), IC (i) (same tracers)
Various combinations of FB, FG, green beads into both IC
SPN: 0 (n = 4 each)
DLPO, LTB: <1%
LSO, MSO: 0 (n = 4)
Schofield and Cant (1996a), Guinea pig Various combinations of FB, FG, red/green beads into CoN (c) and IC DCoN: 68.4% to IC (i) also project to IC (c) VCoN: 0
Merchán and Berbel (1996), Rat High frequency CNIC: HRP
Low frequency CNIC: Biocytin
VLL: no %, very few reported
Li and Mizuno (1997b), Rat VB: TMRDA
La: FG
Dorsal column nuclei and STN: no %, many reported (n = 8)
Li and Mizuno (1997a), Rat CoN (i): FG
IC (c): TMRDA CoN (c): FG IC (c): TMRDA
Gr: 60% of CoN-projecting
Cu: 72.4% of CoN-projecting
STN: 42.9% of CoN-projecting (n = 1, from figure)
Gr: 60% of CoN-projecting
Cu: 61.5% of CoN-projecting
STN: 36.4% of CoN-projecting (n = 1, from figure)
IC efferents Hashikawa (1983), Cat CoN: PI, NY, Pr, or Bb
MG: PI, NY, Pr, or Bb
CoN: PI, NY, Pr, or Bb
MG (c): PI, NY, Pr, or Bb
PN: PI, NY, Pr, or Bb
SC: PI, NY, Pr, or Bb
IC: 0 (n = 1)
IC: 0 (n = 1)
IC: <1% (n = 1)
González-Hernández et al. (1991), Rat IC (c): NY
IC: 5–10% of tectothalamic (n = 7)
Schofield (2001), Guinea pig Various combinations of FB, FG, red/green beads into both CoN IC: <1% (n = 12)
Coomes and Schofield (2004), Guinea pig Various combinations of FB, FD, FG, FR, red/green beads into CoN, MG
CoN (c), MG (i) (same tracers)
CoN (i), MG (c) (same tracers)
CoN (c), MG (c) (same tracers)
CoN (c), MG (c) (same tracers)
IC: <1% (n = 6)
IC: <1% (n = 5)
IC: <1% (n = 3)
IC: 0 (n = 4)
IC: 0 (n = 4)
Okoyama et al. (2006), Rat FG and FR into MG and CoN
FG and FR into IC (c), MG
FG and FR into CoN, IC (c)
IC: 0 (n = 11)
IC: <1% (n = 8)
IC: 0 (n = 10)
FG and FR into both CoN
FG and FR into CoN (c), SOC
IC: 0 (n = 6)
IC: 0 (n = 3)

1Originally counted as being part of the suprageniculate nucleus, which is considered as part of the MGd; c, contralateral; i, ipsilateral; 3H-BSA, tritiated bovine serum albumin; AAF, anterior auditory field; AC, auditory cortex; AI, primary auditory area; AII, second auditory cortex; Bb, bisbenzimide; BSA, bovine serum albumin; CoN, cochlear nucleus; CN, central nucleus of the IC; CTβ, β subunit of cholera toxin; CTβG, gold conjugate of CTβ; Cu, cuneate nucleus; DCoN, dorsal CN; DLPO, dorsolateral periolivary nucleus; DNLL, dorsal nucleus of the LL; DY, diamidino yellow; EB, Evans blue; EE, excitatory–excitatory band; EI, excitatory–inhibitory response band; FB, fast blue; FD, fluorescein–dextran; FG, fluorogold; FR, fluororuby; Fr1, frontal cortex; Gr, gracile nucleus; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; IC, inferior colliculus; La, lateral nucleus of the IC; In, insular cortex; LL, lateral lemniscus; LTB, lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body; LOC, lateral olivocochlear neurons; LSO, lateral superior olive; MG, medial geniculate body; MGd, dorsal division of the MG; MGm, medial division of the MG; MGv, ventral division of the MGv; MTB, medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; MOC, medial olivocochlear system; MSO, medial superior olive; NY, nuclear yellow; PI, propidium iodide; PIN, posterior intralaminar nucleus; PN, pontine nuclei; Pr, primulin; RC-multipolar, radiate multipolar cells projecting contralaterally; RP, rostral pole of the MG; SC, superior colliculus; SOC, superior olivary complex; SPFm, medial portion of the subparafascicular nucleus; SPFp, posterior portion of the subparafascicular nucleus; STN, spinal trigeminal nucleus; TB, true blue; Te, temporal cortex; Te1, primary auditory area; Te3, non-auditory temporal cortex; TMRDA, tetramethylrhodamine–dextran amine; TRN, thalamic reticular nucleus; VCN, ventral CN; VNLL, ventral nucleus of the LL.