Possible mechanism of nanoparticle-induced mortality in adult Drosophila. (A) Location of spiracles in Drosophila: sp1, mesothoracic spiracle; sp2, metathoracic spiracle; sp3 to sp9, abdominal spiracles, image from Lehnmann (25). (B) SEM image shows mesothoracic and metathoracic spiracle of an adult Drosophila (blue square) Center row (C–E): SEM images of spiracles in unexposed Drosophila; sp1 (C), sp2 (D), both 20–50 μm, and an abdominal spiracle (E) at 5 μm. Bottom row (F–H): spiracles are covered/decorated with nanomaterials (see arrows) after dry exposure of adults to CB (F); MWNTs (G); CB (H).