SDS-PAGE and Western blot analyses of the putative antigens P6D-orf0908, P10C-orf1238, P10E-orf0279, P10C-orf1239, P21B-orf1546l, and P29-orf0177. (Top) SDS-PAGE showing the expression of putative antigens (SimplyBlue SafeStain; Invitrogen); (middle) Western blot results of the putative antigens against the His6 tag; (bottom) Western blot results of the putative antigens against convalescent pooled plasma from an experimentally infected cat. Lane 1, fragment of the DnaK control (approximately 31.75 kDa); lane 2, fragment of P6D-orf0908 (approximately 18.65 kDa); lane 3, fragment of P10C-orf1238 (approximately 20.52 kDa); lane 4, fragment of P10E-orf0279 (approximately 19.07 kDa); lane 5, fragment of P10C-orf1239 (approximately 18.88 kDa); lane 6, fragment of P21B-orf1546 (approximately 12.56 kDa); lane 7, fragment of P29-orf0177 (approximately 21.71 kDa); lanes M, molecular mass markers (Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope; Bio-Rad).