Elution profiles of purified PomB fragments by analytical size exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 75 10/300 GL column. PomBC2 (A), PomBC3 (B), PomBC4 (C), PomBC5 (D), and standard marker proteins (E) were analyzed. Arrows in panel E indicate the elution peaks of the PomB fragments with their numbers (e.g., “2” means PomBC2). Closed symbols in panel E indicate the elution peaks of the following marker proteins: conalbumin (9.69 ml; molecular weight, 75), ovalbumin (10.35 ml; molecular weight, 43), carbonic anhydrase (11.65 ml; molecular weight, 29), RNase A (13.39 ml; molecular weight, 13.7), and aprotinin (15.75 ml; molecular weight, 6.5). Molecular weights are given in thousands. mAU, milli absorbance units; M.W., molecular weight.