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. 2011 Aug;49(8):3026–3028. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01102-11

Table 1.

Details of Austrian and Dutch BSE cases until March 2011a

Case no. Yr of birth Age (mo) Screening testb Confirmation testc Status at death Typing resultd
AU01 1996 70 PCW OIE-WB Healthy C (A1B2)
AU02 1994 134 TeSeE OIE-WB Healthy C (A1B2)
AU03 1992 155 LIA IHC Healthy C (A1B2)
AU04 2000 70 LIA IHC Healthy C (A1B2)
AU05 1993 149 LIA OIE-WB Fallen st. CP4 (A2B2)
AU06 1996 130 LIA IHC Fallen st. L (A4B1)
AU07 1997 150 PCP Bio-Rad-WB Healthy L (A4B1)
AU08 1995 180 PCP Bio-Rad-WB Fallen st. H (A2B4)
NL73 1996 91 PCW IHC Healthy C (A1B2)
NL74 1996 90 PCW IHC Healthy C (A1B2)
NL86 1999 140 PS IHC Healthy C (A1B2)
NL87 1997 162 PCW IHC Fallen st. C (A1B2)
NL88 1996 174 PCW IHC Fallen st. L (A4B1)

All Austrian cases were investigated for the type of BSE for the first time, as well as the most recent Dutch cases (NL86 to -88), plus some confirmed C BSE cases from a previous study (NL73, NL74) in which all Dutch cases had been analyzed (15). Fallen st., fallen stock (i.e., animals that died on the farm).


PCW = Prionics-Check Western blot; TeSeE = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-like Bio-Rad TeSeE test; LIA = ELISA-like Prionics-Check luminescence immunoassay; PCP = immunochromatographic lateral diffusion Prionics-Check PrioSTRIP test; PS = Roche PrionScreen ELISA-like test.


OIE-WB = World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)-recognized methods using scrapie-associated fibril (SAF) purification and Western blot detection; IHC = OIE-recognized method using immunohistochemistry; Bio-Rad-WB = an EU-recognized PrPres preparation method, followed by Western blotting.


Typing results (and classifications, shown in parentheses) were derived from Fig. 1. AU05 is a C-type BSE case with intermediately high MAb 12B2 reactivity and unusually high MAb P4 binding comparable to that of 12B2. Such high P4 affinity has not been observed previously, neither for intact bovine PrP nor its fragments (Fig. 2).