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. 2011 Aug 1;6(8):e22909. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022909

Table 1. Areas of activation for the preparation and execution periods between the Face memory and No face memory conditions.

Talairach Coordinates
Region L/R BA Cluster Size x y z T-score
Preparation: Face memory > No face memory
Frontal Pole L 10 71 −12 55 5 5.99
Orbitofrontal Cortex R 11 32 24 21 −13 5.49
Middle Frontal Gyrus L 6 26 −22 12 38 5.01
Anterior Cingulate Cortex L 32 10 −8 37 7 4.27
Inferior Extrastriate Cortex L 17 11 −22 −87 1 4.60
Inferior Extrastriate Cortex L 18 70 −30 −76 −8 4.85
Preparation: No face memory > Face memory N/A
Execution: Face memory > No face memory
Lateral Prefrontal Cortex L 45 817 −40 28 12 8.05
Insula L 47 −32 25 −1 4.75
Putamam L −18 7 −5 6.17
Lateral Prefrontal Cortex L 44 352 −40 5 31 6.67
Lateral Prefrontal Cortex R 44 1456 42 13 20 6.46
Insula R 47 34 22 4 6.22
Supplementary Motor Area R 6 826 2 6 49 6.86
Cingulate Cortex L 32 −4 17 38 5.90
Cingulate Cortex R 8 12 29 34 5.92
Precentral gyrus L 4 173 −36 −7 52 5.96
Intraparietal Sulcus L 7 62 −24 −52 45 5.40
Intraparietal Sulcus R 7 165 36 −44 43 4.36
Superior Occipital Gyrus R 19 30 −55 34 5.72
Middle Occipital Cortex L 18 217 −30 −77 13 7.06
Inferior Extrastriate Cortex L 19 82 −32 −68 −7 4.50
Fusiform Gyrus L 37 −44 −63 −12 3.85
Inferior Extrastriate Cortex R 18 640 36 −68 0 5.85
Inferior Occipital Gyrus R 19 30 −76 0 4.90
Fusiform Gyrus R 37 34 −63 −9 4.35
Cerebellum R 38 −54 −23 5.12
Cerebellum L 1768 −30 −54 −28 6.75
Thalamus L 3583 −16 −25 10 6.41
Thalamus R 12 −21 12 7.47
Parahippocampal Gyrus L −16 −29 −7 3.96
Hippocampus L −22 −35 4 4.91
Hippocampus R 22 −33 −2 3.92
Substantia Nigra L −12 −18 −11 4.41
Substantia Nigra R 12 −18 −11 4.52
Nucleus Ruber L −8 −18 −2 6.92
Nucleus Ruber R 8 −18 −2 5.89
Nucleus Subthalamicus L −12 −16 −4 6.77
Nucleus Subthalamicus R 12 −16 −4 5.33
Execution: No face memory > Face memory
Frontal Pole L 10 57 −12 59 14 4.65
Frontal Pole L 10 13 −14 52 −4 4.47
Frontal Pole L 10 13 −4 50 23 4.15
Frontal Pole R 10 23 14 55 16 4.16
Insula R 22 11 42 −12 2 4.69
Superior Temporal Cortex R 21 19 67 −25 5 6.46
Superior Temporal Cortex R 22 35 59 0 4 4.48