Figure 1. Changes in the progenitor cell population in CH within the dentate gyrus from P7-P28.
Representative pictures of GFP and BrdU expression in denate gyrus (DG) from control nestin-GFP mice (P7:A, C; P14: G, I; P28:M, O) and nestin-GFP mice exposed to CH (P7: B, D: P14: H, J; P28: N, P) respectively, showing significantly decreased numbers of GFP-positive (S) and BrdU-positive cells (T) in the CH-exposed mice as quantified by design-based stereology. The merged image in the control (P7: E, P-14: K and P28: Q) and CH (P7: F, P14: L, P28: R) shows BrdU-positive cells that are co-localized with GFP (arrows) and BrdU-positive cells that are not (arrowhead). In panels S and T, Control (■) and CH (□). P-values for GFP and BrdU are significant. **P < 0.001 – 0.01, *P 0.01 – 0.05 respectively. Error bars represent standard deviation and the scale bar represents 35 μM. GL, granular layer and SGZ, subgranular zone.