DNA methylation levels at a CpG within a CRE motif of PP2Acα promoter affected the expression level of PP2Acα mRNA. A, PP2Acα transcripts were measured and normalized to GAPDH by real-time RT-PCR. These RNA samples are same in the analysis of DNMT1 transcript level in Fig. 1D. The expression levels of the transcripts were significantly increased in T cells from active lupus patients (shown as a black bar) rather than in those from normal subjects (shown as a white bar) or inactive patients (shown as a gray bar). B, Correlation between the transcript levels and DNA methylation levels at a CpG in CRE motif within the promoter. The x-axis represents the DNA methylation levels shown in Fig. 3A, and y-axis represents the relative expression level of transcript shown in Fig. 5A. There was a negative correlation between these two parameters with significant difference. p = 0.0101; r = −0.359; n = 50.