Figure 5. Characterization of ear defects in β-tectorin morphants.
The expression levels of the following inner ear marker genes, such as starmaker (stm) (A), otolith matrix protein 1 (omp-1) (B), and zona pellucida-like domain-containing protein-like 1 (zpDL1) (C), were examined by whole-mount in situ hybridization in β-tectorin morphants. Stm signals in the anterior macula (am) of β-tectorin morphants decreased or even disappeared in fishes with either fused (panels b and b′) or single otoliths (panels c and c′), as indicated by arrows. zpDL1 signals in the lateral crista (lc) of β-tectorin morphants vanished. Black bars, 100 µm (D) Confocal microscopy image analysis of β-tectorin morphants injected with FM1-43 dyes into the otic vesicle at 72 hpf. After injection, hair cells in anterior crista (ac), lateral crista (lc), macula (m) and posterior crista (pc) of control MO-injected embryos can take up FM1-43 dyes. White bar, 50 µm.