Figure 5.
Delay of switching in the motor dependent on the distance from the chemoreceptor patch. (A) Sequential images of two beads attached to flagellar filaments on the same cell. The time shown on the images corresponds to Fig. 5B. Motors 1 and 2 are the same ones shown in Fig. 1 B. Images are shown every 1.6 ms. (B) The rotational behavior of motors 1 (red) and 2 (blue), shown in Fig. 2A, over a short time period. (C) Magnified traces of the correlation analyses shown in Fig. 2B. The red arrow for the blue line indicates the peak of correlation (+116 ms). (D) The relationship between the Δτ value and M22− M12. In cells expressing GFP-CheW (n = 37), the correlation analyses were made based on the motor closest to the major chemoreceptor patch (circles). To evaluate the propagation of CheY-P, cells with a monopolar localization of GFP-CheW and/or cells showing fluorescence at one cell pole that was obviously stronger than at the other pole were chosen. In the cells without GFP-CheW (n = 11), the position of the chemoreceptor patch was assumed so that Δτ had a positive value, because the chemoreceptor patch was not fluorescently labeled (squares).