Figure 3.
Heat map of the distribution of GA species in the 3 × 3 incomplete diallele set. Growing shoots of rice seedlings at 20 DAS and shoot plus root axes of 4-d-old germinating seeds were harvested, and the endogenous concentrations of the GA species were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The relative accumulation patterns are shown in the heat map based on the average value for each GA species. Red and blue colors indicate higher and lower concentrations, respectively. The color scale is shown at the bottom. The value in each block is the concentration (average value; n = 3) as ng g−1 dry weight. InDi_20D_01 to InDi_20D_15, Growing shoots of 20-DAS seedlings of the parental lines and crosses from the 3 × 3 incomplete diallele set; InDi_4D_01 to InDi_4D_15, shoot plus root axes of 4-d-old germinating seeds of the parental lines and crosses from the 3 × 3 incomplete diallele set; ND, not detected under the quantification limit. The correspondence between the line number and the line identity is the same as in Table I. Asterisks indicate that the GA contents were significantly different between the two tissues by one-sided pairwise t test (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01).