Figure 6.
Reduced expression of Aire and of tissue-specific antigens (TSAs) in the thymus of lig4R/R and rag1S/S mice. (A) Reduced expression of Aire and TSAs (fatty acid binding protein, Fabp2; cytochrome p450, Cyp1a2; insulin 2, Ins2) in the thymus of lig4R/R and rag1S/S mice. Real time PCR results were normalized to the pan-epithelial marker EpCAM1. Mean values ± SD are shown. Seven mice per group were analyzed; AU, arbitrary units. (B) Representative example of flow cytometry analysis of cortical and medullary compartments shows that in the thymus of lig4R/R and rag1S/S mice the mature medullary compartment (MHC-IIhi) is poorly represented. The percentage of Aire+ cells among mature mTECs is largely preserved in both mutant mice. At least five mice per group were analyzed.