Study design |
Study drug |
Randomized, double-blinded study |
Frequency of dosing |
Study duration |
Oesophageal pH measurement before enrollment |
Endoscopic evaluation before enrollment |
Presence of erosive esophagitis |
Presence of run-in period |
Frequency of office visits during active treatment |
Frequency of office visits throughout entire study |
Study population |
Total number of subjects in |
Placebo arm |
Active treatment arm |
Total number of subjects who |
Completed placebo arm |
Completed active treatment arm |
Mean age |
Gender distribution |
Heartburn response |
Reported relief of heartburn |
Defined relief of heartburn as “complete relief of heartburn” |
Quality measures (Jadad score) |
Was study described as randomized? |
Was study described as double-blinded? |
Were data on withdrawals and dropouts provided? |
Was the method of randomization described and appropriate? |
Was the method of blinding described and appropriate? |