Microinfusions of the KOR antagonist JDTic or vehicle were administered 24 hr
prior to EPM testing. (A) JDTic in the BLA increased the percentage
of time rats spent in the open arms and the number of open arm entries (mean
± S.E.M.; Student’s t tests). JDTic in the CeA
(B) or striatum (STR) (C) did not affect the
percentage of time rats spent in the open arms or the number of open arm
entries. None of the drug treatments affected closed arm entries or maze crosses
(not shown). (D) Summary of cannula tip placements in the BLA
(black circles; n=7–9/group), CeA (gray triangles;
n=10/group), or STR (gray squares; n=7–9/group).
**P<0.01 vs. vehicle. Images in D published
in The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, 3rd ed. (93) and reprinted with permission,
Copyright Elsevier (1996).