Figure 3. SPA1 Is Required for the CRY2-Dependent Blue Light Suppression of CO Degradation and the CRY2-Dependent Promotion of Flowering.
(A and B) The wild-type (WT: F1 hoterozygate of RLD × Col), spa1 (RLD), cry2 (Col), and cry2/spa1 (F3 homozygate of RLD × Col) plants grown in LD photoperiods (16 hr light/8 hr dark) for 20 days (A) or until all plants flowered (B). The number of rosette leaves at flowering and the standard deviations (n > 20) are shown (B).
(C) Immunoblot showing that the blue light-dependent suppression of CO degradation was impaired in the cry2 mutant but restored in the cry2spa1 double-mutant plants. Fourteen-day-old transgenic plants expressing the 35∷MycCO transgene in the wild-type (MycCO/WT), the cry2 mutant (MycCO/cry2), or the cry2spa1 double mutant backgrounds (Myc-CO/cry2spa1) were adapted in the darkness for 48 hr, and then exposed to blue light (30 μmolem−2s−1) for 30 min or 60 min. The immunoblots were probed with Myc antibody (MycCO). A nonspecificity band was included for the loading control (NSB).
(D) A quantitative PCR showing the reduced FT expression in the cry2 mutant but restored in the spa1cry2 double mutant (see also Figure S3).