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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neuropsychology. 2011 Sep;25(5):622–633. doi: 10.1037/a0022984

Table 1.

Loci of activation in Form, Motion, and Working Memory contrasts determined at an FDR-corrected display threshold of p< 0.05 and extent threshold, k>40. Coordinates in MNI. Size of cluster (number of voxels) and Z scores are also included. Abbreviations: Ins/FO = insula/frontal operculum, IFG = inferior frontal gyrus, IPL = inferior parietal lobule, FEF = frontal eye field, SEF = supplemental eye field, MOG = middle occipital gyrus, MT = middle temporal area, IOG= inferior occipital gyrus, SFG = superior frontal gyrus, ITG = inferior temporal gyrus, MFG = middle frontal gyrus.

Region Brodmann's area Form Motion Working memory
size p(FDR) z x y z size p(FDR) z x y z size p(FDR) z x y z
Ins/FO L 13 119 0.008 3.92 −30 18 −2 210 0.03 4.34 −22 26 2 1826 0.013 4.47 −26 30 4
IFG L 4 0.005 4.79 −38 0 24 76 0.03 3.61 −42 0 28 0.013 4.18 −38 0 26
IPL R 7, 40 665 0.005 4.35 34 48 32 318 0.03 4.32 38 −42 36 760 0.013 3.98 36 −48 34
0.028 3.62 26 −68 38
L 288 0.005 4.77 −18 68 38 692 0.03 4.12 −36 −60 46 1967 0.013 4.63 −22 −68 42
5 0.03 3.93 −32 −40 36
FEF L 6 0.005 4.42 −26 −12 58 95 0.03 3.62 −20 −8 50 344 0.014 3.80 −24 −8 48
R 6 106 0.007 3.96 48 6 44 1348 0.014 3.70 40 2 50
IFG R 44, 45, 47 8 0.006 4.13 38 6 24 450 0.03 4.08 46 6 28 0.013 4.25 44 6 26
Insula R 13 157 0.019 3.29 32 22 2 315 0.03 4.19 28 26 2 0.014 3.70 30 26 4
SEF 32 117 0.005 4.71 8 20 42 104 0.03 3.66 0 18 44 519 0.013 4.11 0 16 46
9 0.005 4.29 −8 20 30 0.044 2.84 10 28 28
MOG/IOG L 18, 19, 37 686 0.005 4.81 −44 −70 −10 358 0.013 4.12 −40 −64 −16
MT L - 100 0.03 3.77 −36 −64 2
Declive L - 142 0.019 3.43 −30 −70 −30
Culmen R 46 0.013 3.54 34 −52 −28
IOG R 18 47 0.017 3.35 38 −84 −10
SFG R 10 49 0.021 3.23 26 44 30 115 0.019 3.45 32 48 30
ITG R 53 0.024 3.16 28 −68 18
MFG L 62 0.03 3.67 −28 48 12
Thalamus R 46 0.03 3.12 10 −14 8