Fig. 1.
60-year-old man with gastric adenocarcinoma and focal eosinophilic infiltration (differential count of eosinophils was 18%) in liver.
A. T2-weighted image shows non-spherical hyperintense lesion (arrow) in segment VIII. B. Unenhanced T1-weighted image shows isointensity of lesion (arrow). C-E. Gadoxetic acid-enhanced dynamic images show heterogeneous enhancement with slight hyperintensity (arrow) during arterial phase (C) and faint hypointensity (arrow) during portal (D) and 3-minute late phases (E). F. Hepatobiliary phase image obtained 20 minutes after injection of contrast agent shows ill-defined hypointense lesion (arrow) with slight increase in size (13.6 mm on T2-weighted and 14.2 mm on hepatobiliary phase images) compared to A. Lesion spontaneously disappeared on follow-up CT (not shown) taken 6 months later. Lesion was correctly interpreted as focal eosinophilic infiltration on both sessions by all observers.