Deletion of the Col3a1 gene results in neuronal ectopias and abnormal cortical lamination. (A and B) Nissl staining of E18.5 Col3a1+/+ and Col3a1−/− brains. Neuronal ectopias (arrowheads) were seen in Col3a1−/− mouse brain (B). (C–H) Immunostaining of Cux1 (red in C–E), Tbr1 (red in F–H), and CTIP2 (green in F–H) in E18.5 Col3a1+/+, Col3a1−/−, and Gpr56−/− brains. Neurons positive for Cux1, Tbr1, and CTIP2 were detected in the ectopias of Col3a1−/− and Gpr56−/− brains (D, E, G, and H). (Scale bars: A and B, 500 μm; C–H, 100 μm.)