Collagen III inhibits neuronal migration. (A–E) NPC migration assay. In contrast to the robust NPC migration observed in the control media, recombinant collagen III inhibited NPC migration from Gpr56+/− neurospheres (C), but not from Gpr56−/− neurospheres (D). The addition of exogenous GPR56N significantly blocked collagen III-mediated migration inhibition (E). (F) The degree of collagen III-mediated migration inhibition was quantified as a percentage of the migrating neurospheres. Data are presented as mean ± SD; n = 7 for all groups except for the competition experiment, where n = 6. *P = 0.0032, **P = 0.00046, Student t test. (G–H) Double IHC of Nestin and Tuj1 of the cultured neurospheres. (G′–H′) Higher-magnification views of the boxed regions in G and H. (Scale bars: A–E, G, and H, 100 μm; G′–H′, 25 μm.)