ubp15Δ cells exhibit oxidative stress-related protein import deficiencies and defective growth on oleic acid. A, the PTS1 marker protein GFP-PTS1 was transformed into wild-type and the indicated mutant strains. The transformed strains were grown in liquid oleic acid media in the absence or presence of 0.2 mm H2O2. All strains exhibited normal import of the marker protein GFP-PTS1 on oleic acid medium without oxidative stress. Upon supplementation of the oleic acid medium with H2O2, the marker protein was partially mislocalized to the cytosol in both doa4Δ and upb15Δ cells, whereas wild-type and ubp14Δ cells remained unaffected. B, indicated strains were cultured in either oleic acid or glucose as the sole carbon source in the absence (closed symbols) and presence (open symbols) of 0.2 mm H2O2. At different time points, samples were taken, and the optical density was estimated at 600 nm. Scale bar, 1 μm.