The rescue of MetRS-Ce by chimeric human MetRS parallels its association to MARS in C. elegans. Extracts from worms that stably expressed the MetRSΔNΔC-Hs::C-Ce, MetRSΔNC-Ce::Np43, or MetRSΔC-Ce transgenes were subjected to chromatography on a Superose 6 column and elution of the transgenic MetRS species was monitored by Western blotting (WB) with antibodies that specifically recognized these constructs. The elution volumes of native MARS-Ce (10–12 ml) and purified, monomeric MetRSΔC-Ce (15–17 ml) are indicated. MetRSΔNC-Ce::Np43 is eluted as a protein of ∼200,000 Da, consistent with Np43-induced dimerization (9).