(A) Percentage of oocytes with PN formation after in vitro fertilization. The black columns indicate the percentage of oocytes with PN formation, whereas the white columns indicate the percentage of oocytes without PN formation. (B) Control and Gas6-expressed colcemid or roscovitine treatment eggs had PN formation, while colcemid-treated Gas6-silenced eggs exhibited no PN formation. After in vitro fertilization, eggs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and stained with propidium iodide (red). White dot circles indicate PN formation, and white arrows indicate not fully decondensed paternal chromatin. Control, uninjected oocytes; Gas6-expressed colcemid-treated, control oocytes cultured in M16 medium for 10 hours followed by 6 hours of culture in colcemid containing medium; Gas6-expressed rocovitine-treated, control oocytes cultured in M16 medium for 10 hours followed by 6 hours of culture in roscovitine containing medium; Gas6-silenced colcemid-treated, Gas6 dsRNA-injected oocytes cultured in M16 medium for 10 hours followed by 6 hours of culture in colcemid containing medium.