Fig. 7. Group I metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists did not prevent the induction of persistent ictal-like epileptiform activity.
A: Summary graph showing percent time spent in ictal-like events in each successive condition in each slice in EC. Protocol of experiment shown at top. Each slice represented by a different symbol. Pre-incubation with the group I mGluR antagonists LY 367385 (LY) and MPEP in 1.6 mM Mg2+/2.0 mM Ca2+ solution for 40 min (a), did not prevent the onset of ictal-like epileptiform activity upon application of 4-AP in 0.6 mM Mg2+/1.2 mM Ca2+ solution (b), and the ictal-like epileptiform activity persisted after washing out 4-AP (c). B: Traces from EC in same slice (represented by circle in A) in each condition. Lower case letters match letters on x-axis in A. Top trace (a) recorded in 1.6 mM Mg2+/2.0 mM Ca2+ solution in the presence of LY/MPEP. Middle trace (b) recorded at 36 min of 4-AP application in the presence of LY/MPEP. Bottom trace (c) recorded at 53 min of 4-AP washout in the continued presence of LY/MPEP. C: Scatter plot comparing control group B slices and LY/MPEP slices showing length of longest epileptiform event in each slice after 4-AP washout. D: Bar graph shows no difference between control group B and LY/MPEP slices in percent time spent in SE + ictal-like events after 4-AP washout (n = 32 control and n = 4 LY/MPEP).