Figure 4.
Side-by-side analyses in yYH1 and yJI1 of multiple S. pombe pol III mutants. Strains yYH1 (A) and yJI1 (B) bear monomeric and dimeric suppressor tRNA genes, respectively. The expression plasmids carrying the alleles to be tested (C11, Rpc2, etc.) were assayed in both strains and displayed according to the schematic to the right. (C) Northern blot of RNAs isolated from yYH1, which carries a reporter tRNA gene with a dT(7) terminator, after transformation with the plasmid-borne expression alleles indicated above lanes 3–8; lanes 1 and 2 contain RNA from positive and negative control strains. Upper panel shows blot probed for the readthrough transcript from the suppressor tRNA dT(7) gene. Lower panel shows same blot probed for U5 snRNA as a loading control. Lane 1 was intentionally under loaded so that the intensity of the yAS68 RT band would be closer to the linear range of detection, and to avoid contamination of other lanes. (D) Northern blot of RNAs isolated from yAS77, which carries a reporter tRNA gene with a dT(6) terminator; lanes are as in C above. Quantitation of C and D is reported in Table 2.