Figure 4.
Mild and severe HDR disruption lead to distinct chromosome segregation defects. (A) Shown is the percentage of early anaphases with PICH linkages in 293A7, g4Rad51KR, g4Rad51KA cells after L-treatment. (B) Mild and severe HDR-deficiency causes PICH–UFBs. Shown is the percentage of late anaphases with PICH–UFBs for the cells shown in A. (C) As measured by DAPI, severe HDR-deficiency causes chromosome separation defects to a greater degree than a mild HDR-deficiency. Shown is the percentage of late anaphases with DAPI-bridges for the cells shown in A. (D) Shown is the percentage of total anaphase abnormalities (e.g. DAPI-bridges, laggards or multipolar anaphases) for the cells shown in A. n > 100 anaphases analyzed for each cell line. Asterisk denotes a difference in frequency compared to untreated condition (P < 0.0003). Open diamond denotes a difference of g4Rad51KA compared to g4Rad51KR (P < 0.01).