Figure 5.
Severe HDR deficiency causes multipolar anaphases. (A) Representative time-lapse pictures from real-time imaging of cells expressing H2B-GFP. Top panel shows a normal mitosis from untreated cells. Bottom panel shows a binucleated g4Rad51KA cell resulting in a multipolar anaphase after L-treatment. Time of acquisition is in minutes. Open diamond denotes nuclei involved in observed mitosis. (B) Severe HDR-deficiency causes multipolar anaphases. Shown is the frequency of multipolar anaphases in 293A7, g4Rad51KR, g4Rad51KA after a 3-day L-treatment. n > 200 anaphases analyzed for each cell line. (C) Multipolar anaphases originate from binucleated cells. Diagram shows distribution of multipolar anaphase originating from single nucleated cells or binucleated cells after a 3-day L-treatment in g4Rad51KA cells. Dagger denotes a difference in frequency compared to the 293A7 cell line (P < 0.0001). Bars, 10 µm.