Effects of changes in expression of miR-24 and FURIN on the production of active TGFβ1 in HTM cells. Activated TGFβ1 (pg/ml) was measured by ELISA on cell culture supernatant from two HTM cell lines transfected with miR-24 mimic, scramble control, siFURIN or siControl. Panel A represents TGFβ1 expression on cells transfected with miR-24 mimic or scramble control. Panel B represents a similar experiment in cell lines transfected with miR-24 antagomir or scramble antagomir. Panel C represents cell lines transfected with RNA interference against FURIN (siFURIN)or RNA interference control (siControl). Panel D shows the down-regulation of FURIN mRNA in the same experiments, measured by Q-PCR. Bars represent standard deviation from three different experiments. One, two, and three asterisks means P ≤ 0.05, 0.01, and 0.005.