Figure 8. NAC, PFT, or knockdown of p53 using siRNA restore the expression of genes in the mTOR and autophagy pathways that are reduced during premature senescence.
(A–C) Stable cell lines were cultured as shown in Fig. 5. (D–F) Stable cell lines were transfected with negative siRNA and siRNA to p53 every 3 d for 5 weeks. P and N denote PFT and NAC, respectively, and (−) and p53 denote negative siRNA and siRNA to p53, respectively. (A and D) Restoration of expression levels of p-S6K1, S6K, p-S6P, and 4E-BP1 in the mTOR pathway by PFT and NAC treatment, and by knockdown of p53. (B and E) Restoration of expression levels of beclin-1, ATG7, and p62/SQSTM1 as well as decreased expression levels of LC3B and Lamp2a in the autophagy pathway by PFT and NAC treatment as well as knockdown of p53. (C and F) Decreased expression levels of p53, p21waf1, p16ink4a, and γ-H2AX as well as components of the electron transport chains, Sdhb and COX2, by PFT and NAC treatment, and decreased expression levels of p53 and p21waf1 by knockdown of p53.